and Paradoxes have been popular since antiquity, and, in amusing
themselves with these playthings men have sharpened their wits and whetted
their ingenuity. But it was not for amusement alone that Kepler, Pascal,
Fermat, Leibnitz, Euler, Lagrange, Hamilton, Cayley and many others
devoted so much time to puzzles. Researches in Recreational Mathematics
were guided by the same principles and required the same faculties as the
researches leading to the most profound discoveries in mathematics or
(Edward Kasner & James R. Newman) There is not much difference between the delight a novice experiences in cracking a clever brain teaser and a delight a mathematician experiences in mastering an advanced problem. Both look on beauty bare-that clean, sharply defined, mysterious, entrancing order that underlies all structure. . (Martin Gardner) There is something about a puzzle which appeals to almost everyone, young and old. Perhaps it is a challenge to our thinking powers, the feeling that we must not be conquered by such a small thing. One pleasant feature is that we do not have to know a great deal about mathematics to get amusement from it. (Helen A. Merill) To
most people "mathematics" is synonymous with
"figuring". Actually this idea is far from truth. ...for
mathematics is applied logic in its simplest and purest form
(Maurice Kraitchik) The
abstact aspect of mathematics attracts a large following of people who,
weary of the complexities of
the human equation in everyday life, turn in their leisure times to the
simplicities of recreational mathematics. ....
..AND if this has not made a good case to Solve and Enjoy Puzzles
and Mind Games there
is the case of Euler who analysed Latin Squares ( Leading to today's
SUDUKU) and the puzzle about crossing bridges - the
7 bridges of Konisberg -
which in turn led the birth of Topology.. Leibnitz, Pascal and Fermat were
interested in Peg jumping problems and dice gambling problems
that led to present day New Algebra . Lagrange,
Laplace Poisson were all engaged into the coin tossing game
and the Saint Peters Paradox , again leading to more knowledge in the
field of Probability Theory. A deep analysis of the 15-Puzzle by
A.M.Turing led him to modern day Computer theory. Besides our
own Srinivasa
Ramanajam was deeply interest in Magic Squares. And
finally Albert
Einstein's bookshelf was stacked with mathematical games &
Puzzles.......So, it is not difficult to see why all great
mathematical minds thrived on solving problems when they were
elegantly posed. |