
Why do we want to do puzzles ?

Lateral Thinking


Other 's Mindgames 



Websites for Mind Games

Here I have selected some of the better Mindgames floating in the wide ocean of the Internet. Though I had also programmed many of them ( Bulo, Hex, 15_puzzle, the Tower of Hanoi and 2 Peg Solitaire puzzles ) in DOS in 1997 and given them away free under the head "Mathematical Recreations"  they are presented here most elegantly. Many of them are  gems in "Edutainment"  and are promoted for general non-profit use.

These are taken  from www.mazeworks.com and the Copyright belongs to  David Herzog



Tac Tix

Created by the brilliant Piet Hein, a student of the Neils Bohr Institute of of theoretical Physics at Copenhagen , TacTix is a variation of Nim, one of the oldest of mathematical games. It is a two-player game, where the players take turns removing counters from a 4 x 4  board. The goal is to force the other player (the computer) to remove the last counter. Another name for the game is BULO.


Another elegant game of strategy invented also by Piet Hein at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen around 1942 whilst contemplating the famous unproved ( now proved in 2004 )four color theorem in topology. It is played on a diamond shaped board where pegs are located. The objective is to to connect the 2 opposite sides of the diamond with an unbroken chain.


A simple three-in-a-row game first proposed by  mathematician Stanislaw Ulam. The matrix sizes vary from 3 x 3 to 12 x 12 .


The game  is played on a n x n board and the goal is to convert all of the White pieces on the board to Black pieces. Clicking on a piece with the mouse will change it from White to Black, and vice-versa. It will also change the pieces above, below, and to the left and right of the selected piece.


Sam Loyd was the creator of the puzzle in 1870 .The goal of the 15-puzzle was to move the blocks into correct numerical order, with the vacant square in the lower-right corner. He offered $1000 for a correct solution of "his" 15 puzzle . Though many claimed they solved it they could never prove it. Loyd's offer is safe because in mathematical terms it possesses a different parity. Here it is caused by initially placing the blocks in correct numerical order, interchanging the 14th block with the 15th and then jumbling it up.It was also known as the Boss Puzzle.

Tower of Hanoi

Also referred to as the Tower of Brahma. Legend has it that in a temple at Benares God put 64 Gold discs on on one of the three diamond needles at the time of Creation. According to the immutable laws of Brahma the priests are required to transfer the discs on at a time to another needle such that no disc is placed over a larger one. When the transfer is complete the world will vanish. Well, even if all the moves are correct and it takes one second per move , it will take 500 million years at least so just tackle the simple version of this puzzle.

Hare and Hounds

A very neat puzzle where three hounds try to capture a single hare. You have the choice to represent the Ware or the Hounds.

Peg Solitaire 

A peg jumping problem with several configurations to choose from

Fore & Aft

Another Peg-jumping Puzzle invented by Sam Loyd and praised by Martin Gardner. Though the Algorithm here solves the puzzle in 50 to 52 moves, H E Dudeney, the uzzle wizard had an elegant & shortest solution in 46 moves- 23 of which are mirrors of the other.